Cruelty-free Foiled Eyeshadow-Palooza: Thank you, Makeup Geek!

Most Mondays, I don’t get home from work until ~9pm.  Suffice it say, it’s pretty difficult to get me super-thrilled about much of anything by that point.  Well, when I arrived home this past Monday night to a box of brand newly released Makeup Geek Foiled Eyeshadows, super-thrilled is what I was! You may recall that Makeup Geek’s Mesmerized Foiled Shadow made it into my 10 days of cruelty-free favorites.  And, it’s still a fave.  It’s just that now, it has even more sisters than it did before! Meet the new girls on the block… all2 Between my 1st and 2nd batches of foiled shadows, and all the other MG shadows I have, my stash has really grown.  Here they are all snuggled up together. mgstashorig As I was gazing at all the MG goodness anyway, I thought I’d also post some of my favorite MG shadow combos.  Let me tell you, I had a lot of fun dipping my fingers into their buttery velvetness to make the swatches! What I did have a hard time with was the lighting.  The foiled shadows are such high shine it was hard to get a good view of the colors because the flash on my camera really made them glow! Without further ado and in no particular order…

First up is a duo combo that Marlena (Makeup Geek‘s founder) posted back in the beginning of the year, featuring my fave Mesmerized combined with High Wire.  And so began my pining for High Wire and the new batch of foiled shadows.  Next to that is Country Girl,  featured in my Pantone Color of the Year post as it’s a lovely marsala, paired with Magic Act.

Shadow pans left to right: High Wire, Mesmerized
Shadow pans left to right: Country Girl, Magic Act

Next up, is a combo that I wore to work on Tuesday.  Yes, that’s right.  The day after the shadows arrived!  It’s the delicate Whimsical paired with one of my fave regular MG shadows, Last Dance.  Then, we have Prom Night paired with Daydreamer.  Yup, this was one the one time I actually managed to get the shadow pans and the swatches properly aligned 😉

Shadow pans left to right: Whimsical, Last Dance
Shadow pans left to right: Whimsical, Last Dance
Shadow pans left to right: Prom Night, Daydreamer
Shadow pans left to right: Prom Night, Daydreamer

Now for the trios. First up, includes one of the new foiled shadows, Charmed, with Homecoming and Latte.  I actually wore just the duo of Charmed and Latte to work on Wednesday.  I actually think most of these trios could be recombined as duos.  And, I’ve gotta say, I dig how Charmed brings out the goldy greeny bits in my eyes.  Next to that, another of my favorite green tones, Houdini, alongside  Shimma Shimma and Purely Naked.

Shadow pans left to right: Charmed, Homecoming, Latte
Shadow pans left to right: Charmed, Homecoming, Latte
Shadow pans left to right: Purely Naked, Shimma Shimma, Houdini
Shadow pans left to right: Purely Naked, Shimma Shimma, Houdini

Next up is a really wearable, neutral combo of Starry Eyed, Barcelona Beach, and Taupe Notch.  And then, for a little more glitz, Grand Stand combined with the gorgeous Bitten and Bada Bing!

Shadow pans left to right: Starry Eyed, Barcelona Beach, Taupe Notch
Shadow pans left to right: Starry Eyed, Barcelona Beach, Taupe Notch
Shadow pans left to right: Bada Bing, Grand Stand, Bitten
Shadow pans left to right: Bada Bing, Grand Stand, Bitten

Last, but definitely not least, featuring yet another favorite from the original foiled shadow set, Show Time, matched with Rock Star and Prom Night.

Shadow pans left to right: Rock Star, Prom Night, Show Time
Shadow pans left to right: Rock Star, Prom Night, Show Time

I ended up liking these combos so much that I returned them to my Z-palette in their new configurations! mgstashreorg For even more, you should check out the Makeup Geek website, where Marlena has posted at least two combo extravaganzas.  And she’s a lot more daring with the brighter colors than I!

Final thoughts.  I think it’s clear that I really like these shadows, but there are a couple of points to keep in mind.  If you have oily eyelids, as do I, you’re definitely going to need a good eye primer to get the best wear out of the foiled shadows.  I notice that they can travel and mingle a bit over the course of the day, so you might want to plan accordingly if you’re going for a really defined look.  Also, I don’t notice creasing so much as just fading by the end of a long day.  But, I think that’s kind of to be expected when you’re wearing this kind of cremey-powder hybrid on oily lids.

Ok.  That was a long post.  I’d be thrilled to hear what your thoughts on great combos are!

Please know that links to Makeup Geek, including the one below, are ‘affiliate links’.  If you click through this link to the online store and make a purchase, you support via a small commission.  This commission does not increase the price of the product for you.

*These are only my opinions, formed through my personal experience as a consumer.  I am not a medical doctor, an aesthetician, or a health/beauty professional.  There is no guarantee what effect, positive or negative, these products may have on anyone else.

**All products were purchased by me from brands that, to the best of my knowledge, are cruelty-free.

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