#FlashbackFriday vol 3: Even more cruelty-free followups!

Hi all,

I’m back with more follow-ups to let you know how things have been getting on here at beautyforgood.net 🙂

First up, a reader requested follow-up.  I’ve posted a few times now re: my devotion to sparkly eye looks, but a kind reader pointed out I’ve not actually mentioned how to apply the sparkles!  In cases in which the glitter isn’t suspended in a base, like the ELF Long-Lasting Lustrous Eyeshadows are, I typically go one of two routes.  In some cases, I’ll use a base specifically formulated to help the sparkle adhere to the lid.  For example, Lit Cosmetics glitters come with their own “Glitter Base”.

Lit Glitter Base, Lit Hello Sunshine

There are also glitter bases sold separately, along the lines of eye shadow primers, such as Too Faced’s Glitter Glue version of their Shadow Insurance.  They still sell this even though they seem to have discontinued the Glamour Dusts, which I WISH they’d bring back!

Alternatively, if the sparkle I’m using is finely milled (ala a loose pigment) then I can typically get away with using a cream eyeshadow as a base onto which the sparkle will adhere, like I did for this eye look using ELF’s Smudge Pot in Ain’t that Sweet and then topping it with The Balm’s Overshadow in Work is Overrated.


ELF Smudge Pot in Ain't that Sweet, The Balm Overshadow in Work is Overrated

Regardless of which base I use, I always find that applying the sparkle with my finger gets me the best color/shine payoff.


Next up, we harken back to my recent post re: 2016 Beauty Trends.  Of course, I caved and decided to try a couple more glowy base products.  First, since it was Wayne Goss who turned me on to this trend, I figured if he recommended a cruelty-free base, I’d best investigate.  He was right, this BECCA Aqua Luminous Perfecting Foundation is a glowy wonder.  It has a fairly liquid texture and I’d say one dropper’s worth was enough.  It has a medium coverage, and, with my oily skin, I prefer not to build more than a single layer.

BECCA Aqua Luminous Perfecting Foundation in Fair

Another base I’d been wanting to try is the Glam Naturals Hydrating Foundation.  It’s not as glowy as the BECCA, but it definitely feels moisturizing.  It has almost a moussey texture and again, I’d say medium coverage. You need literally a pin head’s worth to cover a fairly large area.

Glam Naturals Hydrating Foundation in Ivory

Now for an update on cruelty-free brush faves!  I didn’t have this little set when I did my previous post, so I wanted to give it some love now.  It’s the EcoTools Bamboo 5 Piece Brush Set.  The brushes are soft, but lay down a nice amount of shadow and I particularly love that the largest brush has a triangular head, perfect for getting into the inner corner.  It even comes with a handy travel case 🙂

EcoTools Bamboo 5 Piece Brush Set


EcoTools 5 piece brush set with case

Last up, an update with a question to you, dear readers!  A while back I pondered the notion of cruelty-free sculpting.  I continue to have difficulty finding contours that work for me.  In part because I still am not sure what my undertone is, cool or warm.  I’ve tried all the tricks.  Do I look better in silver or gold?  I’m fine with how I look in both.  Do the veins under my arms look bluish or greenish?  Both.  So, I think I have a neutral undertone.  And I do find that neutral bases are the best skin-tone match for me.  But, I decided to put it to the contour test.  Makeup Geek recently launched their contour powders, with a spectrum of both cool and warm shades.  I decided to get both tones meant for porcelain skin to determine once and for all which undertone I am.  The powders are soft and smooth and have very nice pigmentation.  As far as helping me figure out my undertone, though.  It didn’t work!  I can’t tell!

What do you think?

Makeup Geek Porcelain Contour Powders
L to R: Cool Porcelain (Break up); Warm Porcelain (Love Triangle)

Please know that the link below is an ‘affiliate link’.  If you click through this link to the online store and make a purchase, you support Beautyforgood.net via a small commission.  This commission does not increase the price of the product for you.


*These are only my opinions, formed through my personal experience as a consumer.  I am not a medical doctor, an aesthetician, or a health/beauty professional.  There is no guarantee what effect, positive or negative, these products may have on anyone else.

**All products were purchased by me from brands that, to the best of my knowledge, are cruelty-free.

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